A couple semi-interesting you are such a cunt you should fuck off and die you dirty slag don't you hate it when people read your computer screen. Actually I have a feeling someones reading this right now. Cuntcuntcunt. Ok, sorry about that. My sister was reading over my shoulder. We just had a good laugh.
Back to my story, some things that happened today: I had a dentist appointment, I went to the Supreme Court and my sister is a cunt. I actually love dentists I think the pain they inflict is the good kind of pain. I like that visiting dentists make you feel incredibley lazy. Reasons as to why:
1) You're in a comfy chair that is slowly lowered as if you couldn't lie down yourself.
2) You get sunglasses to block out the harsh light.
3) Someone else has to spend the next half an hour cleaning each and everyone of your teeth.
4) You are turned into a baby the second they put that bib on you.
5) When you thought it couldn't get lazier, theres someone there with a miniture vaccum so you don't even have to swallow your own saliva.
6)You get to look up your dentists' nose...
People make out like dentists look like this:
After that I headed to the Supreme Court where I had mock trials which is a watered down version of what happens in court for us teenagers. As I sat down reading over my notes I sensed someone coming up behind me, I kept reading until I felt someones hand on my back. Actually it wasn't just a hand on my back, it had a good grip on my back. It was this old security guard guy who was all "oh my you already look like a lawyer". He's either really friendly or sleazy. Take your pick.
Since I've spent a good amount of time ranting I would like to conclude by saying I love walking through the CBD when everyones heading home. I don't even care that no one bothers to make eye contact, be friendly or slow down. I also have a thing for old men in suits, I think they win at life every time they put their suits on.
P.S. Try walking up to someone and say "pussy" repetitively without smiling or laughing. I dare ya.
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