I don't think any words or actions should be taken personally...
My anger's got me mother fucked in the ass this time round though. A week ago the stupid action of throwing out three possessions of a hated one. As soon as I did it -instant regret and instant karma!
I fucking smell of garbage juice right now.
yaaaaaaa wanna know why?
because one week later come to the present and have me walking home at 5.30am to save these three material possessions from being thrown out into the garbage collection.
a few good reasons why not to do anything in anger:
1) you will end up walking home in the morning bare footed with nothing but the clothes on your back.
2) eventually broken glass and hard gravel will take its toll.
3) that oversized jumper and your dirty hair is not shabby chic.
4) going through your garbage bin when what you want is at the very bottom is anything but desirable
5) your fellow wisteria lane neighbours will look at you in embarrassment and shame
6) delving through the bin is a bit like time travel -you get to visit all the trash from your past week! the further into the past, the crappier the smell!
7) having half of your body in the bin and reaching your hand in as you almost projectile vomit is worse than you think.
8) hearing the garbage truck coming down the street is like a final fuckdown.
have a good australia day ya smelly, angry australians!
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