I went parasailing with my brother when I was in Vietnam during the summer. I just remembered what was the most ultimately embarrasing few minutes of that whole holiday. I had brought two pairs of bathers and I was wearing an old pair that day because my new pair was wet and I hate wearing wet bathers. Anyway, this pair is kind of flimsy when it comes to staying on. Parasailings the one where you're in a harness and are reaally high in the sky following a speedboat thang, it's pretty boss and not scary at all. When we came down there were two guys who helped us get out of our harness and life vests and as I was taking off my life vest I looked down and realised my mother fucking top had come down during the parasailing and exposed my upper region... Generally it's not really that embarrasing, boobs etc. whatever. BUT in this situation my body went red hot and I covered up in sonic speed. The guy looked away really quick and was not seedy at all although he was old... and seedy looking but don't judge a fruit by its inner seediness. Anyway, it was a combination of feeling visually violated and how fast he looked away (politely) that made me feel so embarrassed.
AHHHHH this still makes me laugh now, it just popped into my head.
3 years ago
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