Anger walks down the verges. There's no footpath on her side of the street but she prefers it to having headlights expose her. That's where all the other teenagers stand. In the light. Squinting eyes. Red eyes. Drunk and tumbling.
Continuously walking past groups of people, this had been a very large party, one throws out a live one, just.
"Hey, you alright? you look so angry." She bends an arm around his back and keeps him from falling. Now she pushes her palm against his chest to support him. "I hate this. I just want to go home." she says.
"Come home with me. My mum is coming soon. I just called her. she should be here soon."
Soon came and went and she still hadn't come. Unbeknown to the two of them, sitting on the curb of Eternity Street, he'd never made the call. All this time, time that had passed: time leading up to, time that was and time after soon, the two sat in silence.
In present time, time after soon, Anger blinks to swallow her tears. She can taste the uncomfortable saltiness of suppression. He bobbles his head, playing with the draw strings of his jacket.
He is looking at her but she's too concerned with across the road. She tries to draw shut her long, silky however thin hair as curtains to cover a girl under the influence's underwear.
"You know I'd like you if you weren't so full of yourself. If you didn't go everywhere thinking you were so beautiful"
"what?" The girl under the influence has now slipped her spindly arms under a boy's shirt for warmth. Later she'll be under him. Then of course they'll go back to his place and be under covers. "I don't understand what you're on about. As if you think that? As if you think I think that?"
"yeah, you totally do. I mean you are beautiful, but you just totally know it."
"shut up, you're so annoying. I'm not beautiful. I'm not even close." Anger was being sincere. She thought of herself as ugly. She didn't have self-esteem problems. She was truthful and realistic and not complicated. It was true, Anger wasn't beautiful. She wasn't even close.
"sure, sure"
"what the fuck, I don't understand this. I don't care that I'm unattractive, I can accept it, whatever."
"I don't believe you. You got so much confidence because you're beautiful and you know it"
"If you think I've got confidence it's because I don't care what I look like. I am just not bothered!"
"nup nup, I don't believe you."
"you know what, you're so wrong about everything. I know you. What you think about everything is wrong. It's fucked. When I was younger and had a crush on you I was waiting for the day that you'd grow tall. Now I'm waiting for the day you grow up".
Anger stands up and walks down to the end of the street. Before she even thinks of where to walk next a car pulls up with it's window down. Delirious' father offers her a lift home. She climbs in from the left side of the car to the backseat next to Righteous.
Delirious' father starts to drive off. Delirious looks back from the passenger seat at Anger and Righteous and then the driver turns to face his daughter. In his peripherals he sees the others. A thorn between two roses he thinks. He looks back out at the road and continues to drive.
3 years ago
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