I have this sickness. It's like being love sick except I'm school sick. I made the terrible mistake of being too ill for school on Monday and because I hadn't been to school the day before the thought of school on Tuesday was just too much to bare. By Wednesday I figured I'd used up all my sick leave plausible and made the treacherous trek through a school day but Thursday (today) morning saw me slam my foot in the car door at 5.45 am and then later be drenched by the rain and so i figured I'd be better off at home than wearing wet underwear and limping around at school.
Did you catch that? I said I slammed my foot in the car door. That fucking hurts. Like alot. You know I thought I was over this. I have slammed my finger in the car door 6 times! 5 times on my left hand and then one lucky time on my right hand. I mean proper slammed, like mangled blue finger bleeding and I'd have to wear this special finger splint thing which I became very used to. It got to a point where one time I just casually called out "Yeah, I just slammed my finger in the door, can someone help me" And no one did, my brother thought i was just joking.
I guess I'm just prone to those kinds of things. I've also been stung by a bee 7 times, by a wasp once and hornet once. Let me tell you wasps hurt most. The rest don't really hurt so I'd probably take a sting for you if you were allergic or something but lately I start to swell up when I get stung by bees, especially when I get stung on the foot. I'm sure you've all seen the Notorious photos of my swollen foot or do I dare say I'll post them in the never arriving collection of mobile uploads. I figured it was just a foot thing since they get moved heaps and the blood always sinks down there but one time i got stung on the leg and my thigh got really swollen, "nooo Dirtbag, that was just during the winter months and you got faaaaaat".
yes feet, ah that reminds me, my foot is presently bruised and a little swollen but because of it I left school at recess time and had Tan Po Po for lunch, watched Foster's home for imaginary friends, went to the hairdressers, tidied my room (suddenly my new favourite pass time, oh my god what's happening to me!) and that's about it. I watched a lot of cartoons.
Yes well you know how they say school's almost over, well they say it for a reason mainly because school is almost over but still i don't see myself responding to this finish line call. I'm going down hill. I'm getting increasingly tired, I'm doing less and less work and my lit essay is coming on three weeks late (I think, I don't really have any idea of it's actually due date). I lack motivation I guess. I'm just school sick.
3 years ago
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