Monday, August 10, 2009

Come With Us Now on a Journey Through Time and Space

Right now
i am eating Vegemite from the jar

and today
our year 12 subject selection forms were due in. Obviously neither of us had shown our parents yet or even looked at them ourselves. And so it keeps getting realer and realer.
The beauty of the new course is you can repeat most subjects and maybe even get to hang out with the young ones.

I kinda actually wanna. I want to spend my final year being the Mrs. Robinson to their year eleven classes/asses. Who knows, i could like the whole juvi thing so much that i never want to leave and am forever with the kids, fulfilling their older woman desires, desires which had been suppressed by the spinsters and hags which make up our teacher faculty. I guess some of our female P.E. teachers are alright but they live the sweat life (oohh i am soOOoo farrrny) and have no reason to indulge in student teacher affairs, they get to wear tracksuits all day, everyday of the year, they have no reason in the entire world to complain.

Yes, i could be The Non-Graduate and never break into the Real World....

Taylor Momsen: Are you trying to seduce me with your way more matured calf and knowledge of what's in next week's test

Me: yes, yes i am

and I'd say it in a really sexy smokers voice from back when they were still sexy cause I'd be old and cool like that. I'd then wink and all my glorious crow's feet would force the minions to climb into bed with me.

but fuck that. I've gotta get out and who cares how greatly my TER would benefit by having repeated a year and who cares about those 12month lagging deviants and their naive affection. Choose life.

1 comment:

  1. oh year12..the future that shrank away for me when i got to adventurous..tafe, here i come
