The experiences of delirium; the complete and utter pain of a smile that cuts your lips which brings the greatest kind of pain to your face. There isn't just one great thing that happens but its continuous little things that result in a really cool kind of bliss.
Back when Blogbear was Jack Quirk and Dirtbag was Gatetrix.
Dirtbag says:
haha look at me I'm just a happy person in a really good mood kind of way
Blogbear says:
Dirtbag says:
Blogbear says:
I'm in the best mood
all the time
Dirtbag says:
I'm too happy to care about the shit things
Dirtbag says:
i feel like everyone's happy or should be you know
Later that night..
Dirtbag says:
i really think i should stop with the smiling and happiness
Blogbear says:
i think we should go so far in.
we’re going to be so happy i can just tell and its going to hit a point,
what goes up must come down.
Dirtbag says:
I don’t think its gonna go down. I honestly think life is gonna be good for a really really long time.
Blogbear says:
How long is really long?
Sometimes I wish I knew what I know now back then. I hate that I was right and Dirtbag hates that she was wrong. although... for the first time in her life Dirtbag is looking forward to summer, maybe, just maybe that's a sign that happiness is on its way. I mean fucking come on, holidays have always been wicked but now, after our first year of proper school i think we really do deserve the summer holidays. The idea of 2 months of nothing is practically the epitome of happiness. Well at least it's gonna evoke it (fingers crossed)
3 years ago
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