You know those things that run a really convenient taxi service with their run-down car yard probs in real close proximity to you and a lunch bar which has not been meeting the standards since 1998, you get a chance occurrence with them when they're suddenly sitting on your couch and watching your tv on public holidays and they couldn't be any more irritating whilst occupying your space. Yeh, well mine just came home from Singapore... bearing gifts.
The artifacts i mention basically sucked cock, okay. They knew my brother and i didn't like them (it seemed as though they'd known since they bought them and had since been coming to terms with their failure, or our failure for not liking them) and they didn't seem too bothered with our rejection of the presents. My dad does go, however, "Well is it okay if we just stop getting you gifts from now on since you never like them," and so i say, while leaving the room, "how bout you just get better gifts". No fucking shit. The fuckheads asked for a list of what my brother liked, so he produced one, and knowing its course completely, went against it. total douche bags.
I now have another reason to hate them: they cut short my paradise on Earth. Having no parents isn't even a big deal which is the beauty of it. But all your relatives offer to cook you dinner and shit and you're like "you know what, I'm not a fucking retard. I CAN boil water, open a packet a pasta and let it cook and i CAN get myself to a restaurant and manage perfectly fine with the whole ordering, consuming and paying business". Your grandparents will also ring every half an hour and then in your last hours of freedom, while at their house eating your last supper, (which they planned for you to have with them since the gamete forms of you parents first thought of ever leaving their kids home alone, if Xs and Ys could even mange thought processes) they'll ask you if you're glad your parents are coming back. You know what to say, you know what they want to hear, but why can't it be as simple as saying no. no no no no fucking no.
I'm sixteen, can live alone and have to deal with this shit, I HATE IT. How the fuck does my nineteen year old brother handle it.
Thinks she's an adult Vs. IS an adult.
Mother fuckers.
3 years ago
you need to write a book. i can see it now, honestly.