Saturday, October 2, 2010

Library Follow-up

Blogbear note: In an effort to clear up our drafts, here's something that's been lying around since 9/8/09. Dirtbag doesn't know I'm posting this but uh, she probably won't mind... would be awkward if she does. This post is in relation to this post:

We were at the library and decided to checkout "The Place". Seemed pretty cool you know, it had it's own five year old spokesperson who i found really relatable to, speaking as a library frequenter. She seemed happy and so her personal message of "i found my place at The Place" enticed me to go see what called for this rave review.

It's pretty sick and we had the whole mazzanene level for ourselves; un solied by those with the soiled pants. There's all these cool kinds of chairs there and a mass stack of books, like double my height, it made BlogBear feel really paranoid- insecure prick.

We also picked out all the best places to have sex, a thought process which is often opted as a form of distraction to work. That's the beauty of The Place, best form of procrastionation in the best place for it. Anyways so there's a small cubby house which would be perfect and this ledge which runs across the whole outside wall so you could be beant over and be able to look out the window to ;). The best place would be this small room which is like an interogation room. It's got a display set up of paper houses which kids have made and invites you to contribute to this city. Yeh you bet we will.
Coming soon: Dirtbag and BlogBear's own installments to their current Shitville. We're gonna daunt them so good with our motherfucking towers!!! yeh okay so we'll get onto that.

After playing dressups we hit up the old colouring in table. That was when Mrs Grown-up approached, asked us where our "little ones" were. i told her we didn't have any. Aarrrrghh and so we met her red lazer eye beams of pedophile suspicion. "oh, you've gotta have kids to be here" she says. "we are kids" i tell her, "we're only like thirteen anyway". she kinda then backed off hell wierdly cause i don't think she wanted to start anything. I then continued with my colouring in.
BlogBear started to kick up a fuss being all like "leeeet's stuuuuudyyyy. i wanna strain my brain. i wanna learn shit. come on. Dirtbaaaaag, knowledge caaaaalllss me. I wanna conform to my motherland's stereotype. cooooomeeee oooon" and shit like that. Some whiny bitch isn't gonna pull me away from my distractions and so i continued to keep within the lines.

check it out

[I'm assuming Dirtbag intended to post something here]

The chick is hell cool with her blue hair. There's a really good story behind my artwork.
The girl is clearly a girl but the monster behind her actually represents a sexual predator and the fire depicted on his flesh is the fire of his sexual desires. His nose thing resembles a penis and he's chasing her with it but she's smiling, ya know, and blushing, so although she's running from him, she secrettly wants his warmth. and that's that.

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