Hello ladies and very gentlemen. I wrote this whilst in Vietnam. I wrote it on the 13th of January this year. I don't know if it's finished... I can't be bothered reading it but enjoy.
Yo gabba gabba,
This is a little perspective for those out there that think that they've got problems in their teenage relationships. My cousin who's a 16 year old girl happened to reveal to my cousin that she was being beaten up by her boyfriend of 21 years.
P.S. hi dirtbag this seems to be the only way to communicate with you. hope you're sick as a dick because i'm a vomitting vagina ;)
Some say that there is nothing like being in love and some others say that theres nothing else like being held by a noose in a relationship. See the thing with women is they take abuse like no other. Think about it, how many men do you know that come home to an angry toothless wife who meets his kiss with a wooden rolling pin? A law student once told me all about this, it's called Battered Womens Syndrome (BWS), and it's basically when a woman can not leave an abusive relationship. I kid you not, that is what it's called. It's meant to be because of two main reasons: numero uno is economic reliance and numero duo is threats made to the woman, the womans family, or friends. Remember on The O.C. when Theresa got hit by Eddie and she was all, "It's simple, your boyfriend hits you, you leave him." then Sandy is all, "It's never that simple". That really, really, really sucks. Why does it have to suck like literal cock for women so much?
Here in Vietnam I have a 16 year old cousin who gets reguarly beaten by her 21 year old boyfriend. She revealed this to us one night, we asked her why and she said common things such as not being friendly with his 21 year old nether regions or forgetting to hug him when saying goodbye (and women are meant to be needy?).
So one night her boyfriend is confronted by a relation to me who was drunk, he asked the boyfriend simply: Do you beat The Battered Woman? He answered simply: Yes. Funny thing is The Battered Woman was there as this conversation started but her boyfriend told her to leave and go back into the house as it was "a man's conversation". After she left things got riled up because the Woman Beater thought he and this guy were all buddy-buddy friends. Later enter stage left my uncle who, true story, once took on a group of men who were trying to steal his wallet but he was later beaten to a pulp and somehow managed to keep his wallet (I would just give the wallet).
Act 1:
Alright so this Woman Beater was being a "cheeky cunt" and throws a punch at my uncle who is now very angry and very riled up being held back by a group of men. The Woman Beater runs away as he realises he is out numbered.
Act 2:
Give it about 15 minutes of women running around being gatherers and men being hunters then enter the Woman Beater again except this time on a motorcycle. Now... what did he want to achieve by this I do not know, "eat my dust suckerrrrrrrrrrrsssssss" ?, anyway he gets sidekicked by the relation of mine as he zip zip zips by on his vehicle.
Act 3:
Now give it another 15 minutes of conspiracy of whether he will return and then he returns except this time with a friend and a long metal pole. I who at the the time was pretty chilled wondered downstairs for a drink of water when I hear all this screaming, I see these two guys with this pole and all that comes to my mind is the exact words, "What the fuck are you doing you fucking cunts?!". My heart was beating like a bazillion miles an hour, they'd sucessfully beaten up this poor old man who tries to convince us that he is okay whilst he bleeds prefusely from his head. Now... people are very angry.
Act 4:
The parents of the Woman Beater is called in but they really have no control over their son whatsoever, they aren't very apologetic at all to be honest. Enter two cops from the main alleyway, here to supposably "defend". Now Enter the Woman Beater holding a motherlickin' machete on the back of a motorcycle accompanied by a friend. He attempts to slice a cop but then zips away.
Act 5:
The morning after. The cops have stayed the whole night. Things must be dealt with at the police station. The funny thing is the Battered Woman pleas on the side of her abusive boyfriend going as far as telling the cops that it was her own uncle that threw the first punch not her boyfriend. The Woman Beater is in the shit and to be thrown into jail (you really shouldn't slice up the police because if you "fuck the po-lice" then you'll be singing "popo shut us dowwwwwwwwwn"). He now realises anal rape is not his thing and offers to apologize -"it's toooooooooo laaaaaaaaaaaate to apologize". Enter my uncle into the scene to straighten things out. Now the only thing left is for his parents to plea, and by plea I mean by giving the cops some dough, this is by no means a bail or a fine this is a bribe and this is how you escape jail in any system with a corrupt police force.
Act 6:
The Battered Woman stays with the Woman Beater. Happily never after.
Oh my god she's an idiot... during this whole ordeal she was actually enjoying the attention. To me this is fucked, and if I were her I would be beyond embarrassed. My abusive boyfriend comes to my house, threatens my family, beats up a family friend, punches my uncle, attempts to machete a cop and all in all creates a fiasco all in the space of midnight to about three or four in the morning. It started off as a simple seek of condolence and attention which ended with her looking very dim. Fact: as Lulu, her and I were standing on the roof top admiring the situation below she asked me if I had any pills that could kill her. Yes... whilst I was packing my bag to Vietnam I thought, "Hang on, I'll pack some of my back up suicidal pills just in case communism really is as bad as they say."
I personally think that she should NOT be a sufferer of BWS because she's only 16 and really does have the choice to leave. She's not Allie and he's not Noah. She should think about what she wants, not what he wants, not what her parents wnt. What. Does. She. Want. As Allie said, it's not that easy. It's not just the physically damaging relationships that are like this, it's the emotionally painful wars that go along unheard. The thing is not only women but teenage girls are often trapped in the vicious cycle of a relationship thats gone to shit. When the ratio of happiness to sadness is overtaken by all the little things that frustrate you, that make you cry, that makes your blood boil. This is when you need to make a choice, I think, to either put your heart into working things out or exit before things get uglier, or choose C (popular with naive girls) stay in the relationship with the mindless hope that you can change him and that you are happy.
I guess when you love someone then the choice to break up is difficult because you've made that person a part of you and it feels like it'll leave this gaping hole in who you are as a person and your life in general which it probably will but you will realise you can still breathe and isn't that just amazing? "Desperate Women that will Believe Anything"- a possible headline written by Carrie Bradshaw, it's quite right though I think sometimes it can be desperation that leads women to stay in physically or emotionally abusive relationships. I have friends like this, you probably do too and if not there are many films made about people just like this. They say that love makes you blind but heartbreak does as well. People stay in relationships with the very people that do not understand the meaning of fidelity. People who make bad decisons or who hurt others are not bad people; that's a common misconception.
Now ladies, put your feet in the shoes of the Battered Woman and gentlemen put your feet in the shoes of the Woman Beater. Who are you and who do you want to be? All's well that ends well -do you want to be the tradgey or the comedy?
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