The most annoying thing about Transperth is that I actually love it. Similar to how the second most annoying thing about it is that you have to pay and yet I can't bring myself to use the cheaper alternative to coins, the smart rider, just because I've grown to love buying myself tickets. "Hi may I please have a sixty cent ticket"
[fuck you now it's seventy cents. my life will never be the same. truthfully.]
But Transperth drivers and guards can sometimes be such big cunts, like today.
I won't go into it because everyone knows what they can be like.
But as I mentioned, what's annoying is that I love Transperth. I can't help it, I'm so dependant on it.
And I also can't help but think of those super cool drivers or the ones who let you on when you're chasing after it or the classic Australia Day experience.
January 26 2010 I was on my bus to the city and everyone was drinking beer. Not even secretly. Some guy even did somersaults around the hand rails and the driver just laughed. I mean it, he laughed!
ahh Transperth, what am I going to do with you or more importantly my ridiculous obsession with loving you or less importantly those fines you love to treat me with.
shall i ignore the irrationality of my emotions and devotions like I ignore your threats?
It's true, I call your bluff but you'll always make me blush (L)
3 years ago
can i just say, unrelated to this great post, that the sudden influx of new posts is making my exam break slightly more bearable.