Here's a story for you to learn that the simpliest and funniest things can lead to sadness.
This Friday night I was in bed watching something I'm too ashamed to admit to on the world wide web. Let me lay out the ground work for this story, both my siblings were out. One little piggy was at a red charity party, one little piggy was going to watch Dappled Cities, the third little piggy was alone snuggled up in bed listening to the rain (Blogbear).
So Papabear knocks on my door to ask me what I'm doing and my first instinct is that he thinks I'm up to no good and sneaking out. It's kind of awkard at this point because my door is locked and we're speaking through a wall.
"What're you doing?"
"Nothing. Just in bed."
"Oh ok. I just took out a movie. Do you want to watch it with me?" At this point I'm silently freaking out because my father never takes out movies nor does he ever ask me if I want to watch them
"Um... what movie?" This is when I come to the door to speak to him.
"It's a horror film. Friday the 13th?" This is met with my laughter.
"I can't watch that. It's R 18+ and I won't be able to sleep for a week." Everyone in my family knows I can't watch anything remotely scary. As much as I can enjoy it... it's just not worth the following week which I live in paranoia and fear. So I go crawl back to my bed till my dad comes returns after 15 minutes.
"What're you doing?"
"Nothing... why?"
"Are you doing any homework?"
"Do you want me to drive you to the video store to take out some movies?" HE NEVER DOES THIS. I HAVE TO BEG HIM TO DRIVE ME. I figure he just wants to bond with me. You know, quality father and daughter hang out.
"Ok... I'll get a coat." I'm seriously weirded out but I remain calm.
So we're walking down the stairs together when he asks me if there are any movies at home that I want to watch with him. I wonder... and so we both go off looking for movies. Then I deciede we watch Million Dollar Baby. I walk to the T.V. room expecting my dad to follow me. Then he's like, we can watch in bed, which is when I'm kinda freaking out and I know this story is walking down the road of some weirdo incest story but no, it's much sadder than that.
"Isn't mum asleep in bed?" I walk into their bedroom to find that its empty.
"Nah she's left somewhere."
"I don't know."
The pieces are fitting together and this is when I realise that my dad is just lonely because nobody else is at home. So out of sympathy I lie in bed pretending to watch Million Dollar Baby as I text Dirtbag what just happened.
"Blogbear, how can you watch the movie if you're on your phone texting." So I put my phone down.
Mamabear comes home about half an hour into the film and calls my father some names. This is my cue to leave. I go to bed with a smile but also feeling very sorry for my lonesome Papabear.
This is the funniest and saddest thing that happened on my weekend. A thank you for those who managed to remain interest throughout this post.
Au reviour emeny.
3 years ago
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ReplyDeleteway to blow our cover. now it's slighlty less ambiguous which of us is asian.
ReplyDeletedizzle yo. i gotta delete that comment for it harbors disclosed information about myself.
ReplyDeleteoh no. this is sad
ReplyDeleteaw this is so sad, and cute.