Yes Blogbear and Dirtbag left no rock unturned to find the motherfuckin' truth about vaginas.
Ahhhh nothing makes me laugh harder than the truth.
BlogBear says:
but i have a question of curiousity for you
Person X says:
im on the other side of the world
BlogBear says:
i have a very important question for you
my life depends on it
Person X says:
go for it
BlogBear says:
is there a difference between having sex with a virgin and a slut?
Person X says:
is that a serious question
BlogBear says:
so serious
Person X says:
and what makes you so curious?
BlogBear says:
because dirtbag and i's friend got called loose as a sheet of paper
and that sounds disgusting
i just wanted to know
Person X says:
yea i guess there is then
BlogBear says:
look at dr. X educating teens everywhere he goes
Person X says:
thats what i was put on this planet to do
BlogBear says:
no but... say you had sex with a slut blindfolded and then you had sex with a virgin blindfolded (fucked up hyperthetical) would you be able to tell the difference.
i can't stop laughing
Person X says:
nah probally not
BlogBear says:
damn it janet
Person X says:
anyway im heading
BlogBear says:
seeya later aligator
thanks for the words of wisdom
Person X says:
and a little closer to home, in a same hemisphere endevour, Dirtbag's at it too
Person Y says:
what's the question
Dirtbag says:
can guys feel the difference between fucking a slut and a virgin?
Person Y says:
Dirtbag says:
clear difference? like you could tell blindfolded?
Person Y says:
yeah i'd say so
Person Y says:
oh nah definitlely
Person Y says:
a virgin and a slut
Person Y says:
whyd ye ask?
Dirtbag says:
and i get the whole virgin apeal like if i were a guy i'd fuck virgins but are they tight in a good way?
Person Y says:
it depends how tight
Dirtbag says:
like there's too tight is there?
Person Y says:
like some girls are so tight they are unfuckable
Person Y says:
Dirtbag says:
Person Y says:
whats with the questions
Dirtbag says:
just curious
Person Y says:
anything raise your curiousity
Dirtbag says:
"she was as lose as a sheet of paper" those words haunt me
Dirtbag says:
is all
Person Y says:
she was so loose you could clap her hands in her fanny
Person Y says:
thats my favourite
Person Y says:
clap your hands*
Dirtbag says:
but a guy'd say that out of disgust right? ewwwwwww
Person Y says:
yeah ahah
Person Y says:
'she has a cunt like a trench'
Dirtbag says:
Hear ye, hear ye. Women and children. It is fact according to our semi-reliable sources that sluts and virgins have physical and emotional differences. The emotional you can not help but the physical you can. Either close your legs or begin your vaginal excerises. The day your vagina gets called a sheet of paper or trench is also the day you die.
3 years ago
it was like throwing a sausage down a hallway