How can one day be so endlessly embarrassing?
If you haven't already gathered your disembodied parts and started to reassemble yourself after your body was destroyed as the hell mouth opened, maybe wait a moment because you'll only be blown away again. Bad News: i did not win the pi competition. However so, nerves may have got me, this is no excuse and i shall rise above my epic fail of this year to glory in 2010.
I entered the arena (classroom) confident( nervous as fuck) but after gaining knowledge from my entourage(sluts) and support team (bitches) that i would in fact have some competition i lost faith in my 270 decimal places. After the years sevens (babies), eights (todlers) and nines (those annoying kids at age eight-ish) were done abusing the privilege to even know such prestigious numbers, up walked a shady figure (shady cunt). She delivered the numbers perfectly until... she stopped, she stopped at 265. i began to pray because i knew that she had learnt over 300 but if she fucked up now i could still win. I waited, i held my breath for the entire minute then bam, she was off again. Why must my emotions be toiled with, WHY?! and so i hung my head low and tried to shy away from weeping. When finally it did come my turn, i was so ashamed i could barely bring myself to rise. The crowd i had raked (there actually was a crowd) were not sitting on chairs or desks but the brittle scaffolding of my empty promises. What a terrible fool I'd been to boast of my endeavours deep into the decimal places of pi. I'd like to leave the details of the actual performance disclosed as I've never been so humiliated in my entire life and on my own behalf, so i hope you understand.
This has been a very hard day and an embarrassing one. I felt as though i died at least two times. I was severely under prepared in my debate tonight too which didn't help and so i fumbled about with my palm cards and played with my hair and scarf without raising a single point. Oh and here's another for anyone taking note of my suckyness, my mom walked in on me singing to BlogBear on the phone my own version of American Pie... i changed the lyrics to be about pi- how pathetic am i?
"A long, long time ago...I can still remember how those numbers used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance that I could make those people proud and maybe, they'd be happy for a while.
But September-er made me shiver with every number I delivered.
Bad news as i sped up; I couldn't get the order.
I think that maybe i did cry when I heard that others did know pi,
but something inspired me deep inside the day that i performed pi.
Did you write pi everywhere, and do you still know it now your done,
i bet you don't even care?
Well do you believe in 2010, can numbers save your mortal soul,
and can i claim the title next year?
Well, I don't think you're in love with pi
cause you don't seem to be very high.
You just used those numbers. How bout tender love and care!
I was a lonely teenage maths student with some free time and a memory
and if I'd known I'd be out of luck
the day i performed pi
I'd still be saying, pi pi 3.1459 265358979323 84626433832 saying 79502 884197
Well i know two seventy places of pi, I may
have had a performance, oh, but i never got the chance!
cause the other players tried to take the field;
those numbers that for me did yield.
The classroom was adjourned; a verdict was returned...
but I'll keep on saying, pi pi, most infinitive pi, 16939937510 582097494 singin, i can't believe i screwed up, the day i performed pi. "
i am so very very very lame.
ohhhh well, here's proof (if you take my word for it)
how I've loved you so, pi, and yet you betrayed me. I shall rise above this temporary hate for you your never-ending-highness and you and i shall take home the trophy next year. yess next time, my pretty, next time...
P.S.that was honestly by memory. I did know 270 at lunch today but that there's only 255 as today my memory never ceases to let me down and so i continue to fall.
3 years ago
whaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck