Do you know what the only thing better than girls posing in photos? It's GUYS posing in photos! It's even better than a Myspace slut with more friends then she can mathematically handle who peaked at age 15 because she matured too early and took photos of herself that were deceiving enough for her father to stumble across and wank over then later realising it was his own daughter then wanking over the fact that he just did that.
I can understand why girls want to look good in photos, with the lacking self confidence and the simple truth of wanting to look moderately appealing to the opposite sex, but why do guys pose in photos?
Ahhhhh yes, english has taught me a few things in the past and now I may only watch shitty films like The Great Gatsby where the whole film is just one giant fade in of one scene into another whilst the actors are all sweaty and the camera man just discovered the zoom button in lit. but I've still got the midas touch when it comes to a critical eye for subliminal messages, symbolism and over analysing.
It just opens a whole bag of questions for Blogbear. So here's my shot at asking a few of these questions. Who are you trying to impress when you look down so sexily in your photos? Why do you scrunch your beautiful face? Is it because you are caring and compassionate and you don't want others to self-harm when they see your beauty? When you look up into the corner of your eye (it's the I'm-Looking-Somewhere-Else Look), what are you looking at I wonder. Did a certain Gobzilla pop a titty as the photograph was being taken? Or worse yet, was there a persistant fly buzzing around? When you pout... why do you want to look like Angelina Jolie? When you use excessive hand gestures (that range from letters of the alphabet, peace signs to sexual connotations) what are you trying to say to the viewer?
Someone, please answer these questions and email them into
P.S. There is one male out there who is a serial photo poser... we all know who you are. Watch out! Here comes the Poser Boy!
3 years ago
write a book
ReplyDeletespeaking of angelina jolie she was in my dream last night.
ReplyDeletewe were at a concert and she got up and started singing except she was just mouthing. so i go just to myself, "why don't you sing Angelina" then the next thing i know she's in my face asking what that was about. and i was like "well it was a fair call" and she's like "yeh true. you must be a pretty cool chick if you stand up for social injustices such as lipsyncing" and so yeh, we hung out for the rest of the day :)