1) i was staying in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania (where the Amish live) and were at this restaurant which was meant to be hell nice but i couldn't really tell cause almost all American food to me tastes American and the service could have seemed superior except you get the same fucking water topping up OCD freaks everywhere in the US. actually this fucking water topping up OCD freak seemed kinda cool and was fairly attractive so at the time i probably did think the place was nice.
anyways earlier my parents(ugh)had read somewhere that tourists should definitely try Philadelphia's specialty, Snapper Soup. and so not having the chance to in Philadelphia , seeing it on the menu at this fine restaurant meant my parents both ordered it. mmmh i didn't want any since i don't usually like fish. when it arrived it came in these two small souffle dish looking things and the soup was brown. a really gross brown colour. my parents both made weird faces as they tasted it and so, interested and being the crazy kind of kid i am i decided to taste it. i got the soup spoon, picked up a little less than half the spoon's capacity and as i pulled it up realised that there where these lines joining the little amount to the big amount. anyways it tasted revolting and it was gooey and stringy at the same time. generally disgusted by it we asked the fucking water topping up OCD freak next time he came over what was in the soup but he didn't know. then, we called over his superior who informed us...
it was turtle.
i started to tear up and my whole family was shocked beyond belief. i had to leave the table cause i felt myself need to throw up. i spent ten minutes in the toilet crying properly hard and being prepared in case i did vomit.
a fucking turtle. of all animals in the world a turtle would be the last one I'd ever want to eat. ever. i think one of my biggest regrets or discomforts that i have with myself is that i never managed to throw up that night. i had to sleep that night knowing there was turtle within me and that the turtle couldn't help being so disgustingly stringy when cooked cause it was never ever meant to be eaten. :(
2)Albino turtle.^^^^^^^^^^you can go fuck Mr. Armadillo. yuck yuck.
holy FUCK! my deepest condolences for your gain