you walk the line and we say, "hey babe, take a walk on the wild side."
fuck that, you don't even walk the line. you steer clear like kelly clarkson and maybe you'll point the tip of your boot in its direction and maybe it'll touch the edge of the paint. But this line of yours has you whipped!
We often claim there is no line, that it does not exist in any situation except when talking about big, black, cock fucking babies because that 'cures aids' okay, cause that's disturbing and i think I'm gonna wash my hands, i mean scrub the shit out of them, tonight especially good for having typed that. if anything, there's an anti-line and this anti-line asymptotes at that little sore subject mentioned last sentence but otherwise it is completely continuous. One fracture, nothing more.
anti-line or whatever aside, THERE IS NO FUCKING LINE!!!
I'd consider it a positive trait of ours, one of my favourites, but it seems inevitable that the obvious will result, BlogBear and i will end up killing someone and still not think we crossed the line. Good, cause there ain't no fucking line.
This is probably how people become psycho killers but I stand by our lineless lives. You on the other hand have the choice to quiver whilst stepping around egg shells or go catch a dick and realise that real guys go for real lineless girls.
maybe it's because of [us] that [you] never stray too [close to the line].
i don't know.
you may walk the line or near it or whatever but we play with fiiiiirrree, the ring of fiiiiirrrreee
and all the coloured (virgin) girls (babies) go do do dododododododod
if you're with us on a good day when we're not out rebelling against your line with too much effort you may catch us say, "yeh you look pretty" well so you think, cause under our breath we'll continue, "...ugly"
3 years ago
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