Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sleep is a form of avoidance

Yesterday (because now it is 2.38am) I was the catalyst to my brother crying, he was more or less wailing about how he "fucking hated" everyone because he is the poor tortured one and nobody understands him. It all began with him remarking at two men kissing with 'ew' and 'that's disgusting', which in return makes me uncomfortable that it's making him uncomfortable. All in all we had a big argument whether he was homophobic or not and it was one of those arguments where my mind was never going change and he knew deep down he wrong because he was silent for so long festering in his all mighty anger.

I ended up going to sleep at 5pm because I was so pissed off with everyone in my family. I figured it was a good way to ignore everyone and pass time. I drew the curtains, let down the blinds and tried to fall asleep with the light seeping through the cracks of my bent blinds. I woke up at around ten and realised I hadn't slept long enough to see the next day.

So now I'm sitting in bed waiting for the sun to come up because I've got nothing better to do and have done everything I can for the past five hours.

A cup of warm milk awaits me. I should buy one of those baby bottles with the chewy tops. Mmmmmmmmmm.

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