Wednesday, July 1, 2009

If A Then B

Through my philosophy classes this year I've learnt of this way known as deductive reasoning. You probably know of it, something along the lines of "if A then B... " or whatever, never really paid attention. But lately deductive reasoning has proved its self a useful and humourous method. Many times it has been really successful at plainly stating the facts,

such as:

but then tonight it didn't really set the planets into allignment or bring upon any form of enlightenment

see here:

and so i was left really really really confused. until...


and so the world makes sense again. ahhhhh

P.S. not sure if a key is entirely necessary but equal signs mean equal, arrows kinda mean are, is, means or something along those lines, three dots means therefore and crosses mean not ie. equals sign with a cross means not equal too. ca-pish!

PP.S here's news from your retarded cousins!!! YAYY!!! The offspring of your sleazy Uncle Sam who likes to offer you beer at christmas, slips you a fifty in a handshake rather than in a card on your birthday and cops a feel of your arse at anytime, funeral or not, anyways, those cousins of yours have done it again!!! God Bless America ('s future)

similie of the post: The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't

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