Monday, August 31, 2009

I Drank Your Blood With Some Fava Beans and a Nice Chianti

I happen to know someone who knows someone who is a dentist. Anyways this someone told me about how today at work they gave a guy (a goth) fangs!!!

I was in such a state of shock I completely blacked out. It wasn't till later when I was wiping the blood off my mouth I even knew they were dead!

Well hopefully that's how it pans out for me. I'll get them done then sink my teeth into the Dentist's neck and then his nurse's too and then that's when I wake up and realise "they were dead" and yeh. Dirtbag Wins!

Please note: I am definitely not some twilight crazed teen aka a fanpire (as i saw written on an OK! magazine cover). Never even read the books and found the movie really dull however I have for a long time liked vampires.
Even still, I don't want to get fangs because I like vampires, I don't even give a fuck about that, I want fangs cause they'd be fucking cool!

Anyways, the conversation with my dentist acquaintance continued,"not that i want them or anything, but if I did would you make them for me?" and the dentist said that infact he would to which i replied, "well then I do want them!!" so yeh, I'm gonna get them.

I've also always wanted to open a backyard Dentistry Clinic, you know, in my shed, so I'm sure this will help raise my profile and boost my image amongst the opium dens and the like (vampire cults) where I suppose i could pull patients. mmm so excited for this one.

Things for you to do:

1. Do not watch the documentary on Vampires. I did once cause the cover fooled me into thinking it was about real ones and in fact it's just a mix of either really fat or really skinny losers who apparently drink blood and do crazy sexual shit but i watched what was meant to be the climax at the end of the film and they aren't even that bad; you get to see neither the crazy sex or them actually drinking blood so i call bullshit on them even being a thing like vampires. but yeh, that was my mistake, don't make it too.

3. and do allow me the pleasure of being your dentist

No joke though, because seeing as I do have a couple of dentist acquaintances I am actually very skilled at the whole looking in mouths, probing with my fingers and diagnosing your teeth mutations. Ask BlogBear, i told her everything both her dentist and orthodontist told her and for free. See, I have the knowledge down packed, soon I'll have the fangs look down packed (therefore i'd be the coolest dentist that you could possibly employ), so just imagine my greatness once I actually start running my clinic and utilising all those shiny tools I've got in my shed inside your cramped, precious, overly salivery mouth. Ahhh lovely...


What does excruciating pain in my stomach mean, like stabbing pain and it sometimes causes me to crouch over and not move for up to ten minutes?

Severe pain that starts in the upper abdomen and often spreads to the sides and the back. The pain may flare up soon after a large meal, or six to 12 hours after an episode of heavy drinking. You may also have nausea, vomiting, fever, yellowish skin, and a racing heartbeat.
Call 911 or go to an emergency room right away. Acute pancreatitis can cause shock, which may result in death if not treated quickly.

After much googling this was the closest to me. I hate it. This too shall pass. It really is inhabilitating though, it kept me away from my lit test this morning...

Calling anyone familiar with internal bleeding, hunger, kidney stones, gallstones, alcoholism, binge eating, appendicitis, poisonings, gastritis or anything which in any way could affect one's abdominal area. Thank you.

101 Things

Dirtbag and Blogbear love:

  1. Big, fat, glorious magazines with seeminly more adverts than content.

  2. Constantly talking shit with friends.

  3. Accents. Hearing them, guessing them, imitating them. South African to American. All good.

  4. The fact that Sexy Music Man is back. The man of my 14 year old's dream. The man who literally made girls "head over heels".

  5. Dumb bitches.

  6. Nudity. "Here, we’ve only got a few options in how to react to the naked body: be aroused, be amused, or be repulsed. Boo to that." Hey Nuuuuude, don't make it bare take a short skirt and make it shorterer...

  7. The idea of having a gun pointed to our faces and asked for our last words and offering a nonchalant shrug "dun matta".

  8. People who can multiply decimals in their head because it's suprisingly sexy.

  9. Knowing that Bindi Irwin is subject to a ventriloquist up her bot bot.

  10. Taking the blows in my face and my body.

  11. The Assassination of Our Futures by the Coward Procrastination.

  12. Sarcastic jokes about and during inappropiate situations.

  13. When people don't acknowledge us and avoid eye contact.

  14. Filling our sorrows with the words we borrowed.

  15. Morgan Freeman narrating my life in one ear whilst Adrien Brody whispers sweet nothings in another.

  16. Kisses on the nose and ear.

  17. Quotes said at the correct moment which allow you to win life with one smart arse comment at a time.

  18. Public displays of affection.

  19. Calling for whores to fill our empty, empty.. cavaties. Slut! I need somebody. Slut! Not just anybody.

  20. When fat people kiss with their eyes open on rides at the royal show.

  21. "Never take it seriously, if you never take it seriously, you never get hurt, you never get hurt, you always have fun, and if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store and visit your friends."

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Spent my glorious four days intended for harvesting, braising and the like in Adelaide. I love Adelaide despite popular opinion, i think it's sick. As well as being the city of churches and mullets, Adelaide is generally quite wicked.

For example

They have tiny doors on random places over the city. As in really detailed doors, with frames and knobs and all. I saw where one once stood having had a "room to let" sign hung on it. Some poor cunt had its way with it. I got to see a real one though, it was very adorable.

There is an abundance of chocolate stores. They're fucking everywhere. Perth has none and yet as you step off your plane there's one awaiting you in the terminal. There is chocolate over and in all the fine bellies of every Adelaidian, the stuff even managed to dry itself upon my own fucking stockings and boots.

In Adelaide a goon bag is a goon sack

And as well as the Alice in Wonderland doors Adelaide has a a lot of art in the city. There's one massive murial which is incredible and the pigs and the two balls and the fish bones and all this other shit.

another thing Adelaide can claim is Dirtbag's Funniest Night of her Life.
A cousin of mine and i were sitting on the ground in the kitchen eating chocolate and trying to put it away but cause we were drunk we just couldn't part with it. I accidentally knocked over the bowl but yeh we just kept dipping our phalanges in it. The cousin then realises that the bowl had chipped with its fall and that she'd just swallowed some glass. Being drunk and enjoying the chocolate we continued with the eating, with numerous amounts of glass finally swallowed. The cousin's throat really started to hurt so i was all like "i'lll go gett youreeeerr sisssterrr yeaah and like she'll know what tooo dooo. You reckonzz that they'llyyell be fuckinggg yet or nooot" to which the cousin replied "naaaah you'llzz be righttt, theyzz like only juuutsss went up theree" so i go upstairs. Since I'd been informed that I'd be safe i knocked while i opened the bedroom door rather than waiting and to my surprise i saw, in the act, man and woman hittin up the old 69. I fell to the floor laughing so incredibly hard. i quickly got out of the room and then tried desperately to get down the stairs but kept falling over from the laughter. So fucking funny. Every time i stood up i fell again and so it took me ten minutes to get back into the kitchen. Later, after already having spoken to 4 people on the phone about it all i went to send the story by text and drunkenly sent it to the wrong numbers. The night could not get any funnier.

Anyways i really needed to share that because along with some year ten myspace photos aka. child pornography circling through the school it's been a very fucking funny weekend for some but not all.

here we have some random ring rang riding the runt...

and next is Mr. Jemaine Clement vith zee mazzive vallzz...

Unfortunatley i cannot as of yet provide for you viewing photos of the tiny doors since google is not cool enough to know of them and my phone also lacks in the cool department and so don't yet know how to grace my destop with pictures off of it. When i do figure it out though i promise pictures of the door, the murial and also the dead rat i saw a few weeks ago. yay.

P FUCKING S. This is our 69th post. We win.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Young Ones

This is a literary rendition of shitty people . Ladies and gentleman tighten your seatbelts, untwist your underwear, prop up your dirty feet and get ready to vomit.

We have in our hot little hands photographic evidence of certain teens getting drunky drunk and smokey smoking. Which also has the potentional for child pornography. The funny thing about this is the first instinct of a dumb bitch when hate comes their way is to come to the conclusion that people are simply just jealous of them. Yes.. we're just trapped in our personal hell aren't we, so badly craving to be you.

I would much rather spend the rest of winter as an alcoholic bear hibernating in my bed. I would like to develop bed sores and poison my liver.

We Once Met a Girl Named Restless

Life is leaving a bland taste in my mouth. I am burdened with the coming and going feeling of restlessness. Go to bed tired, wake up tired. Nothing to look forward to yet instead there are things to dread. No work to be proud of, no cash to throw away, nothing but each other. Reminiscing is great but.. it's also for suckers. We're only 16 and theres plenty to love but looks to me it's coming to an end. Something that both disturbs and disgusts me at times are the things we do with ourselves and each other as teenagers. Talk shit, get hit. Yadda, yadda, ya. Dirtbag believes everybody should be scared of teenagers... there's nothing like this pack of naive and nasty juveniles. Get in your car and go-a running cos we're a-coming with your old ideas newly wrapped in our clothing and our slang. Aww wooshie, why you whip me off?

People ask me what i'm doing and i can't even think of a funny or original joke. I promise you a new and improved meganegative post because winter, dumb bitches, mother fuckers, and perth calls for nothing else.

P.S. take a nod to the church of satan:

When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they don’t stop, destroy them.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Expeirences of Delirium, Detachment and Doubt

The experiences of delirium; the complete and utter pain of a smile that cuts your lips which brings the greatest kind of pain to your face. There isn't just one great thing that happens but its continuous little things that result in a really cool kind of bliss.

Back when Blogbear was Jack Quirk and Dirtbag was Gatetrix.

Dirtbag says:
haha look at me I'm just a happy person in a really good mood kind of way
Blogbear says:
Dirtbag says:
Blogbear says:
I'm in the best mood
all the time
Dirtbag says:
I'm too happy to care about the shit things
Dirtbag says:
i feel like everyone's happy or should be you know

Later that night..

Dirtbag says:
i really think i should stop with the smiling and happiness
Blogbear says:
i think we should go so far in.
we’re going to be so happy i can just tell and its going to hit a point,
what goes up must come down.
Dirtbag says:
I don’t think its gonna go down. I honestly think life is gonna be good for a really really long time.
Blogbear says:
How long is really long?

Sometimes I wish I knew what I know now back then. I hate that I was right and Dirtbag hates that she was wrong. although... for the first time in her life Dirtbag is looking forward to summer, maybe, just maybe that's a sign that happiness is on its way. I mean fucking come on, holidays have always been wicked but now, after our first year of proper school i think we really do deserve the summer holidays. The idea of 2 months of nothing is practically the epitome of happiness. Well at least it's gonna evoke it (fingers crossed)

Name Sake

To the entire class who do not give a fuck, "Yeah when I was a baby on the plane, ALWAYS going to asia, the japanese people would always like hold me and pass me around"

uh-huh. Then just quietly, "Why the fuck couldn't they have dropped you..."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Big Blande Theory

And all the mother fuckers stand at the top of the stair well, street, moutain and yell "Y'all don't know me".

BlogBear says:
you're completely normal Person X.

Person X says:
BlogBear, you are scaring me now

BlogBear says:

Person X says:
because you think im starnge
which makes me think im strange
even now i can see those colours

BlogBear says:
i just told you that you're normal
i wasn't being sarcastic

Person X says:
sometimes,if i try hard enough

BlogBear says:
i was
you must personally think that you are strange

no mo brace face

this post may have been removed but is in fact only suspended. Hang out till five more posts time just so that we're happy.


The origin of "The Shit Hit the Fan"

There once was a young boy named Shan. He resided in a cosy apartment in the company of his hard working Father. Within the walls of their humble abode the two weren't really ever left in peace. The juvenile soft machine had his circuits askew. Epilepsy was bound within him and would erupt out in seizures. One afternoon Shan's father looked on from the kitchen at his son who was slacken across from the television. Shan got up from the couch and traipsed over to the screen with the intentions of changing the channel. Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, no, no, no, no, right foot raises, electrochemical signalling, hostile and conflicting, right foot lowers, right foot does not land. Aiming for release, neurons about dancing and throwing. "THE SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN" cries Shan, "THE SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN". Sadly the vacillating boy had meant to say "the fit has hit the Shan".

Monday, August 24, 2009

Last night I dreamt I was in Manderlaid

Last night I dreamt I was in the desert by the side of a road with two huge billboards and a cow. Is it still bestiality when the cow wants to fuck you? Alright so I'm being chased down, then pinned down by this cow who starts rubbing its penis on my arm, then masturbating. You know theres two disgusting things about this. The fact that I remember exactly how it felt. The cows penis felt exactly like sandpaper, mother fucking sandpaper. The second thing is my mind thought of this, what have I been consciously or sub-conciously thinking about that I ended up with a rapist cow?

Come all ye faithful, there is a new porno named 1girl1cow.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Today became yesterday

Slap me, because I know I'd throw you under a bus. You're in love with the enemy.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Man of the Hour

Did you know quentin Tarentino doesnt believe in putting kids in psychologically damaging roles which is why he had that bit drawn in Kill Bill.
He said that he didnt want to be like "ok we're going to drip blood all over you because both your parents just got killed"

pretty cool hey

"What if a kid goes to school after seeing Kill Bill and starts slicing up other kids? You know, I'll take that chance! Violent films don't turn children into violent people. They may turn them into violent filmmakers but that's another matter altogether."

"If you're a film fan, collecting video is sort of like marijuana. Laser discs, they're definitely cocaine. Film prints are heroin, all right? You're shooting smack when you start collecting film prints. So, I kinda got into it in a big way, and I've got a pretty nice collection I'm real proud of."

See You at TEE Fuckers

Here's a word of warning from some close friends of ours, actually we'll let the campaigns do the talking :)


the dark horse

and the new rising star

Melon Collie and the Infinate Sadness

I hate it when something i love ends, something which had been my life and source of enjoyment for so long, and then my world also happens to be rapidly changing in spite of this. Great fucking timing.

Fuck you world. What's with the displacement and what's with this all at once.

and what's with chicks and their hair which looks really bad and like feathers and designer label stockings that are plain black but with a tiny vivienne westwood logo on the ankle and cost $90 huh?

hey chick,
1) your head is fucked and furthermore looks it with the pultry display
2) the stockings don't represent how fashionable you are and they don't make you seem hella wealthy, they do however, make you look like the biggest fool and highlight how immature you are.

oh and to another really annoying chick,
1) everybody hates you
2) no, everybody doesn't hate you cause they're intimidated by you, they hate you cause you think that.

now, all this rage and anger couldn't be worse on top of this saddness but that's how it is.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Adventures of Captain Sausage

Whats up y'all my name is Captain Sausage but you can just call me Saus. I'm a guest blogger here and I just wanted to post a few photos of me chillin', pillin' and killin'.

Me and my first car.
My first visit to the big 6050.

Me during my smoking stage.
Aw just met up with some private school girls at the bus stop.Threesome with two killer pythons.

Oops not in this one.
Shopping with the cool kids.Just waiting for my coffee.Me and my first merc. Moving up in the ranks of the world.

Waiting outside the shops. (I'm a bicycle)

That private school babe helped me with my mail.

Shit, almost fell in there.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Give me morality!

There is no other person I'd rather stand up for or lie for than a best friend. Tonight I lied for an oogie of mine, a certain best friend. Most of the time I won't think twice about lying, especially not when it's for a friend but there are certain consequences that come with lying. Worst case scenario is if you don't get away with the lie because at the moment where you get mother fucked the recipient will recall back to when you told the lie.

They will remember how you didn't blink twice, how you didn't stutter, how you were seemingly normal and completely believable. This is also the moment they realise that you are scum. You moraless whore of the world, you liar. You single handedly lied like it was breathing. That my friend, is the embaressment of being a good liar. I must point out a good liar does not get caught out because of their lying abilities but for unforeseeable factors. So it's not always what you lie about, its how you lie.

I can't remember if I was told this story or this story is about me but I recall a conversation a couple of years ago that went as follows:

Me/Someone else "What? Why would you do that?"
Person X "You have that thing... that thing I don't have."
Me/Someone else "..what?"
Person X "Morals, yeah thats the one."

Morals, Shmorals.

This post is dedicated to the film Liar, Liar and "the claw".

Thursday, August 13, 2009


so fat that I cut my fingers and lip from eating tuna out of the can.

John West still da best.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Not even an Indian girl Shaman's old hair can put a curse on this beauty!!! or perhaps they'd be russian locks...

Our Biggest Fan

B says:
you two are getting SLACK with the blogging!

Dirtbag says:
i think we were just too regular

Dirtbag says:
we HAD to tone it down

B says:
no... its my 5th stop on the road of procrastination

Dirtbag says:
even now when we havn't posted in, what like 32 hours, we're still blogging too much

B says:
i NEED it to be updated all the time

Dirtbag says:

B says:
well it GETS me

Dirtbag says:

hahah well here's your own personal blog kk

sorry, the target audience for this one is strictly 1person, my apologies to the other 8 people who read us and also to the incest guy, how are things going with that anyways

yo bridget, click this for a clear version :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Come With Us Now on a Journey Through Time and Space

Right now
i am eating Vegemite from the jar

and today
our year 12 subject selection forms were due in. Obviously neither of us had shown our parents yet or even looked at them ourselves. And so it keeps getting realer and realer.
The beauty of the new course is you can repeat most subjects and maybe even get to hang out with the young ones.

I kinda actually wanna. I want to spend my final year being the Mrs. Robinson to their year eleven classes/asses. Who knows, i could like the whole juvi thing so much that i never want to leave and am forever with the kids, fulfilling their older woman desires, desires which had been suppressed by the spinsters and hags which make up our teacher faculty. I guess some of our female P.E. teachers are alright but they live the sweat life (oohh i am soOOoo farrrny) and have no reason to indulge in student teacher affairs, they get to wear tracksuits all day, everyday of the year, they have no reason in the entire world to complain.

Yes, i could be The Non-Graduate and never break into the Real World....

Taylor Momsen: Are you trying to seduce me with your way more matured calf and knowledge of what's in next week's test

Me: yes, yes i am

and I'd say it in a really sexy smokers voice from back when they were still sexy cause I'd be old and cool like that. I'd then wink and all my glorious crow's feet would force the minions to climb into bed with me.

but fuck that. I've gotta get out and who cares how greatly my TER would benefit by having repeated a year and who cares about those 12month lagging deviants and their naive affection. Choose life.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bleeding Gums Murphy

One time when we were kids in 78 Records my dad let my brother and I pick a cd each. I chose one of the simpsons. Yep, it was songs from the simpsons. I even ended up learning all the words.
One I can still remember, it goes "I got a bratty brother, he bugs me every day..." well I can recall that much of it. Ha, that's from way back when i was seven or something

oh wait... "Today my own mother gave my last cupcake away, my dad acts like he belongs in the zoo"

In the lyrics booklet of the cd there were pictures of the people who did the voices of each character and on their photo was like a transparent picture of the character they were the voice of. Hahaha well foolish me always thought that they were pictures of people who'd seen ghosts of simpsons characters in real life and the written lyrics, which i never read, i thought we the accounts of their experiences with the ghosts. Hahaha such a child.

Honey, We're Home

You know those things that run a really convenient taxi service with their run-down car yard probs in real close proximity to you and a lunch bar which has not been meeting the standards since 1998, you get a chance occurrence with them when they're suddenly sitting on your couch and watching your tv on public holidays and they couldn't be any more irritating whilst occupying your space. Yeh, well mine just came home from Singapore... bearing gifts.

The artifacts i mention basically sucked cock, okay. They knew my brother and i didn't like them (it seemed as though they'd known since they bought them and had since been coming to terms with their failure, or our failure for not liking them) and they didn't seem too bothered with our rejection of the presents. My dad does go, however, "Well is it okay if we just stop getting you gifts from now on since you never like them," and so i say, while leaving the room, "how bout you just get better gifts". No fucking shit. The fuckheads asked for a list of what my brother liked, so he produced one, and knowing its course completely, went against it. total douche bags.

I now have another reason to hate them: they cut short my paradise on Earth. Having no parents isn't even a big deal which is the beauty of it. But all your relatives offer to cook you dinner and shit and you're like "you know what, I'm not a fucking retard. I CAN boil water, open a packet a pasta and let it cook and i CAN get myself to a restaurant and manage perfectly fine with the whole ordering, consuming and paying business". Your grandparents will also ring every half an hour and then in your last hours of freedom, while at their house eating your last supper, (which they planned for you to have with them since the gamete forms of you parents first thought of ever leaving their kids home alone, if Xs and Ys could even mange thought processes) they'll ask you if you're glad your parents are coming back. You know what to say, you know what they want to hear, but why can't it be as simple as saying no. no no no no fucking no.

I'm sixteen, can live alone and have to deal with this shit, I HATE IT. How the fuck does my nineteen year old brother handle it.
Thinks she's an adult Vs. IS an adult.
Mother fuckers.

Vibe at the Libe

Met a bitch at the library today.

"Hi I was wondering if you had any tissues?"

"We don't supply tissues"

"Yeah I know but.."

"No sorry"

This is when I look down and see a box of tissues. We make eye contact, she feels awkward for a moment and then she says:

"Ok fine, but its a library you should go downstairs to buy some."

I grabbed some tissues and walked away, muttering under my breath. They weren't even nice tissues, they were the sand paper kind!!

Have some compassion you mean librarian. Now I'm going to take out a book and NOT return it.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Taking the piss

I just ran myself a bath and look what I got...

I now have two new options: "hot pee" and "cold pee", and I for the greater good of the people had a taste of the water. I had a sniff, bit different but not different enough to smell like urine. The taste was... the same as tap water? I'm thinking of taking advantage of the situation and venture into the urine fetish category. Or perhaps I will take out the plug and forget that today ever happened. Plumber on the way.

Blind Deaf Retard

Today marks the day that some french speaking swede googled "incest with your mom". Nothing else can quite beat this. I'm so glad he found us through google's results or else tomorow might not have been worth waking up to.
God Bless your cotton socks you messed up fuck.

Love Me Do

"don't you love it when guys buy you flowers"
"yes! and perfume"
"i love a guy who'll run me a bath"
"oh my god yess!!"

"isn't it great when a guy comes on your face"

"uh, no"

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sick Dick

There's something I have to rant about and that is the state of our news. I've been sick in bed all day watching t.v. and if there's something that annoyed me it wasn't the funeral adverts or the infomercials it was the mother fucked news. I don't know whether all news stations are like this or if it's just the state of Australian news. The top stories today?

1) K Rudd's wife had a tummy ache. 
2) A koala named Sam died from chlamydia. 
3) New evidence regarding that missing English kid has arisen.
4) A German backpacker is lost down under.
5)...I'm trying to think of something else but nup, no I'm quite certain those were the top stories.

It's not that I don't care about those stories but is it really necessary to drill those stories into our brains twice an hour of every day? I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess that there are more important things going on around the world, but thats just a wild stab I wouldn't know any better than what my picture box tells me.

Anyway, I've been sick with throbbing headaches and crazy fevers. Yesterday I was in the sick bay speaking to the nurse in the midst of a migraine and you know when you're on the verge of crying and if someone asks you to explain what's wrong you'll let out the water works? Well if you're a tough cunt, you won't be able to relate but if you are a pussy like me then this story may hit close to home. So I'm all "Yeah I have a really bad headache.. and.." cue the tears "my eyes are watering too...". 
Tip of the day from Blogbear's mouth: If you're going to value something, value your health. If you don't you'll end up like me, spending your days in bed with bad news and Tom Hanks. Thank God for Saving Ryan's Privates. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dearest Grace Holland

Now, all of sudden you’ve gone what am I meant to do without you? You say you’ve not stayed long enough to make your mark but here are some facts I gathered.64 years ago tomorrow the atomic bombings of Hiroshima took place. Did you know the atomic bomb only took 57 seconds to hit yet by 1950 it had killed 200 000 people? So President Truman (that’s you) drops this big arse bomb (leaving school x) and all these Japanese people (us girls of school x) are left burning (heartbreak) and dying of cancer years after the bomb has dropped (grief). My point is that impact is not so black and white, not so much based on time. Quality my friend, not quantity. Oh Truman, how you hurt us. I know you’re going to be happy back in your mother land (school y) and all your fellow citizens (school y friends) will be happy for the atomic bomb you have left. It took six days for Japan to surrender to the Allied forces. So I will forgive you in six days for breaking my heart.

Next Monday, you won’t be at school, not because it’s the day Grace doesn’t go to school but because Grace has left for good. You are my given circumstance, my objective, my super-objective, my action, my popular culture, the tip of my tongue, my left hand side ;)

Were you there when they crucified my Grace?
Oh sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.

Love Alfalfa.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gretel says..

Walking to class circa 2009
Gretel: I want to get married in an apron.
Person X: Why?
Gretel: So I can walk straight to the kitchen.

Who says sexism can't be good? Whatever they all tell you, there are positives of sexism. There are those out there that want to be dominated by men... by all means you should receive equal pay but how many women out there want the same treatment that men get. If you were on the Titanic ship it wouldn't be "all women and children first" it would be pretending you're still 12 before you get your equal ass frozen in the Atlantic. Jack wouldn't give Rose that chunk of wood, he'd use her physical inferiority to his advantage. Until you're willing to accept the hardships of so-called equality wear your velour sweat pants, hold your Blackberry, hold your bag, your skinny latte and strut your yoga ass down Bayview Terrance.

One womans dream is another womans nightmare.

Death by Lagerfeld



Deja Vu

I'm sick again, well, it hasn't left me yet.

here's what my day consists of:

Morning- 2x paracetamol, 1x amoxycillin (antibiotic), 2mL echinacea, 1mL olive leaf extract, 1g bio C powder

Afternoon- 2x paracetamol, 1x amoxycillin (antibiotic), 2mL echinacea, 1mL olive leaf extract, 1g bio C powder

Evening- 2x paracetamol, 1x amoxycillin (antibiotic), 2mL echinacea, 1mL olive leaf extract, 1g bio C powder

mmm fun! and tasty!

Now, there's always been three main benefits of being sick: missing school, hot lemon and honey drink and sleep. However the first isn't such a positive now in upper school cause 2 days gone become a massive burden when you return and well the lemon drink (which I'm drinking now) is kinda gross once I've added in the echinacea, olive leaf extract and bio C powder, but sleep, good old sleep, remains unfazed. If anything, I never really appreciated sleep when i was young and so it has only gotten better.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Kingdom Come

Where The Wild Things Are

can't hardly wait

also, youtube the trailer, it's incredible

Your Flesh is so Nice

up shirt

head gear


crotch tree

penis pattern

